Events & Calendar
March 10, 2024 (Ticketed)
March 14, 2024 (Ticketed)
Friday, March 15, Glenn Massay Theater
March 16, 2024 (Ticketed)
March 15-16, 2024

Visit Games Headquarters!
The Alaska Airlines Arctic Winter Games Headquarters is located at the Palmer Train Depot (610 S. Valley Way, Palmer, AK).
Open 1100-1900, Monday - Friday
Pin Trading
Coffee Cart
Ice Cream by Divine Dips
Merchandise Sales
Ticket Sales
Alumni Lounge
Media Center
Cultural Pop Up Performances
Monday 1200-1500; Thursday 1100-1300
Alumni Photo Booth
Monday 1100-1900; Tuesday 1100-1600
Alumni Meet & Greets
Monday 1400-1600, & Tuesday, 1800-1900
Blitz, Seattle Seahawks Mascot Appearance
Thursday 1400-1530; Friday 1300-1500
Josh the Otter, Kids Don’t Float Mascot Appearance
Monday 1200-1300; Tuesday 1300-1400 & 1500-1600; Wednesday 1200-1300& 1600-1700

The Cultural Gala is a highlight of Games week, and the event that sets us apart from all other multi-sport events. The Arctic Winter Games is the only youth multi-sport event to include a cultural component.
Friday, March 15, Glenn Massay Theater; University of Alaska, Mat-Su Campus will host a matinee and evening performance.
Cultural Gala
Ticket sales begin November, 2023
The Arctic Winter Games Cultural Gala is a showcase of diverse youth talent from across the circumpolar north

Participants have been known to showcase “yoiking” a traditional song form of the Sami peoples, Inuit throat singing, regional styles of traditional drumming and dancing, as well as modern expressions of regional heritage. Local artists, directors, choreographers, and cultural teachers will share the week with the youth, teaching and guiding them, and creating an unforgettable evening for the audience. Many dignitaries and special guests note this as their most treasured memory of their games experience.

fall, 2023
In Fall of 2023, schools across the state of AK (and beyond) will have access to a set of learning opportunities and resource guides meant to enrich their understanding of Arctic sports, sportsmanship, Indigenous cultures/traditions of the circumpolar north, language and geography of the Arctic, and more. Interactive projects will bring youth together across vast distances of ice and snow as they share stories and photos of their homes with one another, as well as engage in celebratory competitions such a read-a-thons, coloring contests and song-writing competitions.
dEC 2, 2023
The Games are almost here– Join us at AWG Headquarters for a fun family-friendly event to celebrate the 2024 Arctic Winter Games coming to the Mat-Su!
Door prizes ⋅ Snacks ⋅ Hot Chocolate Bar ⋅ Winter Photo Booth ⋅ Art Station ⋅ Sports Demos
Win extra door prizes when you bring a new unwrapped toy and/or non-perishable food items to donate to the Mat-Su Food Bank!
Events | fall, 2023
March 14, 2024
AWG 2024 will proudly welcome Pamyua to the stage of the Glenn Massey Theater. Pamyua is Alaska’s premier Inuit musical group, showcasing their culture through music and dance performance. Their shows include a unique lineup of Indigenous Alaskan and Danish performers. They celebrate and share Indigenous knowledge and history, using traditional melodies reinterpreted with contemporary vocalization and instrumentation. Prior to the concert, AWG will present an Indigenous Fashion Show. Featuring Indigenous designers of traditional and contemporary fashion, winter wear, jewelry and more, it will thrill locals and visitors alike. LEARN MORE.
March 14-16, 2024
Alaska State Fairgrounds | Get outside and enjoy the spring snow with your fellow northerners from around the globe! March 14th through March 16th the AK state Fairgrounds will come alive with food trucks, carnival rides, sports demonstrations, dog sled rides, caribou petting zoo, and best of all an Indigenous/Northern Makers’ Market on Friday and Saturday, featuring the very best of AK’s crafters, artists and makers. This event is free and open to the public, and will close with community fireworks on Thursday and Friday evening!
March 15, 2024
University of Alaska, Mat-Su Campus​ | The Arctic Winter Games Cultural Gala is a showcase of diverse youth talent from across the circumpolar north. Each of the 8 participating contingents will rehearse and perform their own piece, representing their region through their choice of discipline (dance, vocals, drumming, acrobatics, theater, etc.). This will be followed by a collaboratively-created performance piece that features all of the participating youth. The Gala performances will take place at 3 pm and 7 pm.
March 12-14, 2024
Throughout the week of the games, our visiting contingents will be getting out into the community to share their performance pieces with the Mat-Su residents in a series of free pop-up performances. The schedule is yet to be determined, but keep your eyes out for details coming soon, or contact us to request a performance for your senior center, public library space, coffee shop, clinic lobby, elders lunch, etc.
March 11-15, 2024
Alaska Airlines AWG Headquarters | Stop by and experience the 21st Arctic Winter Games Sport Pin Trading. The Alaska Airlines AWG Headquarters will also be stocked with the latest Games merchandise, event and alumni information, and much much more! This event is free and open to the public.
Events | March, 2024

Opening Ceremony
With several thousand visitors attending from across Alaska and the Circumpolar North, and tens of thousands more viewing online, there is no event with better reach than the Opening Ceremony. The event includes a parade of nations, final leg of the torch relay, an artistic program, and an athlete oath. After the lighting of the Games cauldron, Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor declares the Games open.

Closing Ceremony
With lights, music and visual art, the closing ceremony is one of joy and unity. A parade of nations is replaced with youth who have traded their uniforms with other participants from around the globe. The artistic program is brief as we make time to celebrate the wins of each delegation, pass the torch, and award the Hodgson Trophy. The trophy is given to the team who exemplifies the shared northern values of cooperation and resource sharing. As the second best attended/viewed event of the week, the Closing Ceremony is a wonderful, meaningful opportunity for anyone wishing to support the Games.
Food Truck Schedule
Food Truck Hours 11-7 or sell out Daily
Mon 3/11
Nonkie Be’s Cajun Faves
Divine Dips
Tues 3/12
Barbecue Banes
Divine Dips
Wed 3/13
Alaska Mac Shack
Divine Dips
Thu 3/14
Hillbilly Cooking
Divine Dips
Fri 3/15
Birdhouse Sandwich Co.
Divine Dips